Nike ambitions
Today I went to the Camberwell market which was alright, I got a few things like the above 1950's LIFE magazines and some old postcards, also, meet my new green chair! While I was wandering around a lady from The Age newspaper approached me and asked me if I would like to be in this new 'Street style' section, which is exciting! Apparently they are going to call me. I've always wanted to be in those fashion pages.
Also today, or more so this week I have been watching I Dream of Jeannie which I really enjoy. Having a bit of an overload but I shall forge onward, soon I will be up to the wedding of Tony and Jeannie which is quite thrilling. Anyway I have to go. Frank and Friends is on Magic 1278 tonight and I have to water my cactus. Tomorrow is finally the day that I go to see a movie BY MYSELF (cue suspense music from Jaws) I've never done it before but I decided seeing as though I'm meant to be an independent woman I should probably just, you know, do it!