Rising damp

I broke the cycle of puzzle putting-together and AM radio listening for one night last night which, as usual, was good fun. At times it is beneficial to act your age, which, in my case you may be surprised to learn, is twenty and not eighty-five. The exhibition last night was relatively silly and yes incredibly unorganized but certainly an enjoyable and successful time. I can now reflect upon it with weary eyes and say that it was real fun.

I was desperate to go out dancing last night but as circumstances would have it, it just didn't really eventuate, instead we found ourselves sitting cross legged school assembly style in front of a brilliant but not exactly danceable band 'Hello Satellites'. I enjoyed it a lot actually, but because we didn't get to dance we had lots of energy so my friend and I walked all the way home at 3.00am in the serene silence of main roads with no cars and a crescent moon just 'chewing the fat', which is an expression that means partaking in idle conversation. It was so relaxing and good. Above are some (partial - they were too big to fit properly in my scanner) scans of the drawings I had in the exhibition last night.

