One of them
These are a selection of photos from my first week back at Uni taken on my trusty new Iphone which I got the other day. I'm already seriously back in the swing of art, ducking into the NGV today with a friend to choose a work for our Art History presentation. We have to stand up in front of the painting and give a 'talk' on the work and the artist and various other relevant things. I really want to get like one of those stick pointer things or like a laser pointer but I'm not going to actually do that.
I think I'm going to go with the Turner painting, I have a book on him after all, that actually I took from my Nanna's house and should definitely give back at some stage. The other photos are of my studio, which does not look impressive but I tell you it's comparatively HUGE to others and it has a window and a 70s arm chair and even it's very own door. My neighbor on the other side of the mystical door is my friend Annabelle. She just finished this great bunch of comics that I really enjoyed and you may be interested to look at:
Right now I must go and get myself an Australian Business Number, if I am to be an artist and all apparently I need one. I will try and make an effort to post regularly even though I am at Uni. Not that anyone is too worried.